3.1 User population considered

“The data may be used by readers, students, researchers and other types of end-users, by library staff, by other actors in the information chain, including publishers, distributors, vendors, etc.” p. 8

2 thoughts on “3.1 User population considered

  1. Pingback: World-wide review of the FRBR-Library Reference Model, a consolidation of the FRBR, FRAD and FRSAD conceptual models | FRBR Open Comments

  2. While this may be true, no actual user population was consulted or tested in the design of this model. What is the point of designing a model that has such a significant impact on our profession, if we don’t consult actual library users in the design process? Without testing the model and gaining feedback/insight from actual library users, we are essentially designing a model by professional navel gazing.


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